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Data collection buoy model that comes standard with a 600 kHz ADCP
Data collection buoy model that comes standard with a 1200 kHz ADCP
18 April 2023
It’s official! EIVA has launched a new rotv into the market waters. Viperfish is tailored for autonomous USV operations with high-resolution sensors.
3 April 2023
To ensure a sustainable future for ecosystems and the aquaculture industry, data collection systems like the ToughBoy data buoy are vital. Dive into new system setups for aquaculture data monitoring with in situ sensors.
13 October 2022
In this third article in our series on the ToughBoy, we showcase the web portal and firmware behind the data buoy: ToughBoy Onshore. This lets you easily take control of your buoy’s data collection – online from wherever you are!