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EIVA training

EIVA training

Ensure efficient operations and get the most out of your EIVA products

EIVA offers various types of training in EIVA NaviSuite software for offshore survey and subsea engineering operations. Browse through the options below or take a look at our upcoming software courses.

EIVA also hosts hardware operator courses, combining hands-on practice with expert guidance and advice. These training courses are designed to deliver participants the skills and knowledge to ensure they get the most out of EIVA equipment.

You can purchase a seat at an EIVA training course in our webshop.

For training courses conducted by one of our training partners, please write to the email address included in the course description for further information and to sign up.

Learn the EIVA NaviSuite software ropes online, whenever and wherever you want

You can get access to the EIVA eLearning site via an annual subscription. The eLearning site consists of training modules covering various aspects of the NaviSuite features and applications, as well as other EIVA solutions. You can visit and revisit modules regardless of the time of the day and where you are in the world – as long as you have an internet connection.

This enables you to maintain your newly acquired skills and stay updated on new versions and features of the EIVA NaviSuite software and other EIVA solutions.

Learn more about EIVA eLearning

Attend our virtual ‘classroom’ to improve your skills

In training sessions conducted via Microsoft Teams, participants get hands-on training and individual dialogue with the instructor. Our virtual training courses combine this virtual ‘classroom’ training with eLearning.

You can purchase a seat at an open training course carried out by EIVA in our webshop via credit card.

Experienced EIVA instructors will take you through open, standard courses or a tailored course, if you have specific requests to the contents. Reach out to discuss your training needs.

‘I recently attended a NaviSuite virtual training course and would highly recommend it. I think it is the best opportunity for staying up to date and learning to use the latest NaviSuite software tools.’

Liborio Petralia, freelance data processor

‘I recently did a two day NaviSuite training course, and it was an extremely great experience. The instructor, Kevin Tomanka, delivered on the highest level in all aspects and I take my hat off to him. Thanks to EIVA for arranging this course – I look forward to working with Kevin again.’

Linus Andersson, Manager LA Survey

See upcoming courses

Blended learning: extensive training combining the best of two worlds

We also offer blended learning at our headquarters in Denmark. This means that the basic parts of the NaviSuite software training are covered by training via our eLearning site prior to you physically attending a classroom course.

This allows you to prepare for the classroom course when your schedule allows for it and to revisit the subjects covered by eLearning as many times as you want – both before and after the classroom course.

Due to this, the classroom part is reduced in terms of number of days compared to the traditional classroom courses, focusing only on in-depth details of specific subjects, hands-on training and dialogue with the instructor. This is possible because the basics have been covered before you meet with our experienced EIVA senior surveyors who carry out the training.

You can purchase a seat at a training course carried out by EIVA online via credit card.

For training courses conducted by one of our training partners, please write to the email address included in the course description for further information and to sign up.

'Training given by experienced personnel. A good experience.'

Survey Party Chief Shaik Mohammed Rafi, Saipem

Check out available courses

Predefined content or content based on your specific needs

Experienced EIVA instructors will take you through open standard courses or a tailored course, if you have specific requests to the contents. 

The training courses are held at various locations throughout the world – including your premises – by either EIVA or certified instructors from our international network of training partners.

You can purchase a seat at an open training course carried out by EIVA online via credit card.

For training courses conducted by one of our training partners, please write to the email address included in the course description for further information and to sign up.

If you’re interested in a tailored course, feel free to reach out to learn more. 

See upcoming courses

Benefit from a tailored training course, in which you get to define your learning goals and needs

Our expert instructors are happy to focus on exactly the features and functionalities in our software that are important for your tasks. The course can even be based on your own data, workflows and experience levels.

Tailored training courses take participants’ experience levels into consideration. We know how to ensure that beginners get a strong fundament and more experienced users can reach high levels of specialisation. If your group is a mixed bag experience-wise, not to worry, let us know and we can put the course participants into groups based on experience and teach them the way they will benefit most from.

After attending a tailored NaviSuite virtual training course, Paulo Y.G. Sumida, Vice-Director at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo, had this to say:

‘The course was very good. Our ship will move to another level of operation with this software. Thank you for the partnership and I hope that it expands more. I thank Maria Ribeiro for her excellent work and patience with us! She was a great instructor.’

Reach out to discuss your needs and arrange a tailored training course!

Available training

Upcoming courses

Our fixed courses, covering the standard applications of our software, are open to anyone who purchases a seat. You can pay for your seat by credit card in our webshop. Check out the schedule for our upcoming courses!

Hardware operator training

EIVA provides training opportunities for users of our hardware solutions, such as ScanFish ROTVs.

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Reach out and we will do our very best to to answer your questions.